Tuesday 22 January 2013


The change I was expecting in my previous post happened. Not as I would've ever imagined it, nothing at all. In retrospect, "I want to believe this autumn will come with change, good change." from my last post now reads like some sort of cheap premonition. The autumn came with bad change. September was terrible, October was a horrible waiting game, November was a lot of anxiety. I lost the will to live, to talk to people, to do things that I usually enjoyed doing. I have never been so depressed, I've never felt my whole being and life just shattering right there under my eyes. I felt broken. I felt non-human. I lost my feelings, I became immune to the nice encouraging words I was hearing at the time from everyone. I cried until I was out of tears. And then I cried some more.  
But time passed by, slowly. I can remember every single moment, every single emotion and I shudder every time I do it. I still feel shattered. I am under construction.

Friday 31 August 2012

Goodbye, summer!

Another summer passed. Hot, messy, short and sometimes annoying summer. I remember when I was little and the summer holidays seemed never to come to an end. And when they did, I was already excited about going back to school. Things changed, time gets crueler and crueler as you grow up, for some reason.
I remember the summers when I was still at uni. Going to bed at 6 am and not waking up before 2pm, talking to wonderful people and not worrying about a thing. Certainly had their charm, I would go back to that anytime.
This summer is the first one I’m experiencing since I’ve got a job. I didn’t really enjoy it, going to work in the summer should be frowned upon. Also, first summer in many years that I didn’t get the chance to see the seaside. It feels odd.
My past 3 summers always ended in tears. Autumn equaled departure. His departure, again and again. I never looked forward to autumn all this time.
Now, there’s no departure. But the routine I’ve been stuck with for these past few months is annoying. I want to believe this autumn will come with change, good change.  
Until then, goodbye summer! I will miss you and your 45C!  

Thursday 23 August 2012

Why people should let the Kristen Stewart story go

I know it’s old news but I wanted to give my opinion on this subject and for some reason no one’s willing to talk about it. Nor to listen to it, for that matter. So I decided the blog is the way to go.
Ok, so Kristen messed up. She cheated on her beloved boyfriend with some older famous guy, married and 2 kids as a bonus.
She publicly admitted it, then the shiny vampire broke up with her and she’s in hiding, all ashamed and humiliated and depressed.
It’s not the first time this happens in the real world. And I don’t get why people make suuuch a big deal about it. We all made mistakes. Some of us still make them. So what’s the deal? She’s young and behind the celebrity face there’s a human person. She is still growing, still learning. It’s how it is, it just happens sometimes. There’s no need to point fingers. But if I were to do that, I’d definitely blame the guy. Simply because he has a family. When you’re in a relationship things are different, especially if you’re young. But a family is a serious commitment – wife, kids, bills and everything else that comes with it. I’m not saying it’s right and no, I’m not defending her and blaming him. What they did, both Kristen and that Rupert guy, is wrong. But that doesn’t mean we should judge them. We have no idea what’s going on with them other than what we see on gossip websites. We don’t know what’s in their souls or in their mind, we don't know anything about them as people really, we just vaguely know them as celebrities.  
So live and let live, accept some things as they are and don’t judge anyone other than yourself.  

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Not necessarily in that order

I’d like to have a whole week for myself. To go to bed in the morning only after watching the sunrise from my balcony, to wake up late and spend half an hour  just being lazy in bed because there’s no other things I need to do.
I’d like to take long warm baths, vanilla scented or maybe coconut, I’d like to wash my skin with honey and milk and feel their texture on my whole body.
Then I’d get out of it and I’d just let my body dry and I’d watch the water disappearing from my skin, while being fascinated that it goes away so fast. Or maybe I’d just wrap myself in a white fluffy towel and I’d sit on the bed for several minutes.
I wouldn’t put on any body lotion because I’d imagine my skin breathing at the same time with me. And I’d be there naked for a while, wondering why do I even need clothes and when did mankind start feeling embarrassed of its natural naked state.
Then I’d eat some cereals, or maybe just a banana and I’d enjoy its taste, without being able to explain it to someone who’s never had bananas before; what do bananas taste like? They taste like bananas.
I would let my hair dry even though I know it’d get frizzy. I’d watch Friends, or maybe some Youtube beauty videos.
I would decide I wanna go shopping so I’d put on the most comfortable clothes I have, I’d do my make-up, simple and natural and I’d put my frizzy hair in some sort of tail that’s all messed up.  
I’d go out and I’d buy the most beautiful clothes, all colored or maybe just gray, because I love gray. I wouldn’t buy dresses ‘cuz I might not look good in them, but  I would buy an ice-cream and I’d eat it in a second, even if I knew I’d get a sore throat.  
I would go to the cinema and I would watch a movie all alone. I wouldn’t see a comedy because of my laughing fits and I would eat popcorn and drink Coke and think damn, this tastes good!  
I’d take a taxi back home and I would feel the wind on my skin and in my hair and I would smell my own perfume and I’d imagine what the driver is thinking about.
After that, shower and lazy time, games and stories, movies and feelings. And not necessarily in this order.
And this would be just day 1.

Tuesday 10 July 2012

Despre bac şi alte căcaturi - RO

România a devenit un circ. Aglomerat, agitat, zgomotos, plin de animale si de clovni (yucks). Avem şi şmecheri care trag cu pistolul, şi proşti care se sperie şi îşi înghit guma de mestecat, şi muzică proastă, şi oameni care râd de noi. E genul ăla de circ ieftin, prost, la care te duci o dată, să vezi despre ce e vorba, pleci scârbit, uşor amuzat şi uşurat că nu te obligă nimeni să te mai duci a doua oară.
Hai să vă spun cum e cu bacul. Pe vremea mea, adică acum vreo 6 ani, promovabilitatea la magnificul examen al vieţii a fost de aproximativ 80% la nivel de ţară. Eh, anul ăsta a fost de 43%.  Aproape pe jumate. Ce dracu s-a întâmplat, ce vă cer ăştia? Să vorbiţi despre războaie pe care Fănuţ nu le-a purtat? Să inventaţi un nou dialect al limbii române? Să băgaţi o nouă ţară pe harta Europei şi să vorbiţi despre ea? N-am urmărit toată abrambureala făcută în jurul căcatului ăstuia, dar am văzut, pe ici, pe colo, cum cei mai mulţi acuză sistemul. Cred că glumiţa asta cu sistemul e una dintr-alea care au prins până la exagerare, pe care toată lumea le foloseşte mecanic, fără să mai percuteze ce zice, fără să mai gândească. Pentru orice căcat e de vină sistemul. Nu mai sunt la curent acum cu situaţia în învăţământ – pe vremea mea dacă luai 10 erai cel mai şmecher, acum e ceva cu expert, calificat, profesionist, uber avansat. Habar n-am şi nici nu mă interesează, nici nu vreau să aflu pentru că ar fi, probabil, o altă scuză ieftină care m-ar scoate din sărite (cum era aia cu avansat la oral, totuşi?).
Revenind, e vina sistemului că afară a fost prea cald şi bieţii elevi nu s-au putut concentra, e vina sistemului că cum dracu să îi pui pe-ăia mici să se trezească la 9 dimineaţa să vină să dea examene, e vina lui Ponta că îi induce în eroare pe tineri, promovând un comportament neadecvat şi făcându-i să creadă că şi ei vor reuşi pe astfel de căi, e vina lui Băsescu că a omorât câinii şi n-a mai avut cine să-i muşte pe elevi, punându-i în situaţia jenantă de a merge o dată pe săptămână la şcoală.
Sunt sigură că dacă aş întreba elevii picaţi în cap, aş face o listuţă, aşa cum îmi place mie, de toată frumuseţea, cu motive şi scuze şi mai bune de-atât.
M-am uitat rapid pe subiectele la română, la geografie şi la istorie parcă, de anul ăsta, într-o zi când mă plictiseam şi le-am găsit întâmplător. M-au plictisit, n-am avut răbdare să citesc tot şi mi-am zis eh, mare chestie, subiecte de bac.
Dar eh-ul ăla avea să mă lovească fix în freza-mi blondă. Pentru că eh, oamenii n-au luat bacu’.
Hai să vă spun, aşa cum mi-am propus mai sus, cum e cu bacul. Bă, n-aţi luat bacu’ că sunteţi proşti ca noaptea, că n-aţi învăţat nici pe dracu’ în aia 4 ani de liceu, şi nici măcar cu 5-7 zile înainte, atât de proşti sunteţi! N-aţi luat bacul că în timpul ăla în care aţi fi citit acolo despre draci de bătălii şi predicative şi subiective (şi-aia altă poveste de success, ai dracului ăştia cu subiectele lor, nu sunt sănătoşi, mama lor de nenorociţi care fac subiecte d-astea), voi v-aţi blindat cu copiuţe şi blututuri şi pixuri cu infraroşu şi chiloţi de tablă şi eu mai ştiu ce alte minuni. Ca să copiaţi, ca băieţii şmecheri, ca la oricare altă lucrare de control şi să staţi cu urechile pă spate şi să scăpaţi şi de bac.
N-aţi luat bacu’ ca sunteţi nişte idioţi infecţi care habar n-au pe ce lume trăiesc, care nu mai au nici un fel de valoare sau de principiu sau de dorinţe altele decât “dăăăăh eu vreau să-mi iau un seria 5 şi să-i dau blană” – dă-i blană lu’ mă-ta, bă prostule, şi după aia mori! Şi ai grijă să-ţi cânte imnu’ repetentului sau respinsului la bac sau cum naiba s-o mai fi numit şi mizeria aia cu care vă mândriţi atât.
Aş vrea să vă iau pe fiecare în parte şi să vă pun la punct. Să nu mai faceţi pe vitejii şi să vă umilesc într-atât  încât să vă scot toate băşinile din capul ala prost. De proşti ce sunteţi. Vă plângeţi că ţara e de căcat – voi o faceţi aşa, bă! Voi ăştia de aveţi impresia că sunteţi cool dacă nu învăţaţi pentru bac da’ vă scoateţi un 5 acolo, voi ăştia care picaţi bacu’ şi îl luaţi, cu chiu cu vai în toamnă, după aia daţi la Cantemir şi după aia vreţi salarii de 2000 de euro. Pe voi v-aş bate până n-aţi mai mişca, până aţi zace într-o cameră rece, pe jos, într-o baltă de sânge. Poate atunci v-ar veni mintea la cap, idioţilor!
Generaţie de căcat care sunteţi, plină de copii retardaţi, vă doresc, din plin, muie. Pentru că mai mult nu meritaţi, pentru că mai mult nu puteţi. Felicitări pentru mediocritate devine, brusc, o urare pe care vi-o doriţi. Aşa, felicitări că sunteţi nişte puţoi infecţi care nu aduc nici un bine societăţii – mergeţi şi spălaţi geamuri în Piaţa Muncii, pentru ca la nivelul ăla sunteţi, oricât aţi nega-o. Şi după aia, din nou, cu drag, scutiţi-ne de prezenţa voastră jegoasă şi daţi-vă foc. Sau muriţi brusc, la fel de convenabil.    

Wednesday 4 July 2012

Dear 14 years old me .. (II)

After meeting my new colleagues and stuff, I’ve never actually felt good there. I was all small and awkward, didn’t actually make any friends so I focused on studying, assuming the geek/nerd position and having the other kids look at me with some sort of pity and, at the same time, anger/envy. Mixed feelings, even for 14 years old.
I didn’t actually get the chance to interact properly with the other kids, mainly because well it’s hard to be surrounded by stupid people – that’s when I started learning it, I’m continuously doing so. Furthermore, it’s hard to be leader for stupid people (I like this saying).

And then there were the big boobs. Ofc they weren’t really big but for the boyish type of girl that I was – they were huge. And the whole hysteria with kids discovering their sexuality started. It was awful. Who looks good in a mini-skirt, who doesn’t, whose legs are more beautiful, who shaves better, who has the prettiest bum etc. As I didn’t have any of those, I, once again, chose to be smart over pretty. Cuz you can’t have it all – I’ve heard.

So that was school for me. That’s why it sucked. Bullying, socially awkward, not liking my colleagues and so on. It wasn’t fun. I talk to people now and they say ‘oooh dw about it, that’s how school was for all of us, we were kids, we knew nothing, just look back and smile because it was a nice period and it’s fun to remember it’. No, for me it isn’t. I don’t hate – people or things, but school came very very close to that.

After that, I went to high school. Because I was a smartass I managed to get into the one that I wanted – and I was one of the few people who did that (see, there’s a reason for the whole “my colleagues were stupid” burden).

And as it turned out, high school rocked. Ofc, not for the 1st year. Because I don’t like beginnings. And I’m no good with them. But after that, trust me, it was awesome.

I guess there’s few lessons we should learn from these stories (I learned mine a while ago though):
- don’t mess with stupid people. As a wise man once said, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with their experience. Tru dat.
- do everything you can to look pretty. Yes, inside is important and yes, it’s good to be smart but pretty always helps.
- be pro at something. Just do it.
- (especially) when surounded by stupid people, try to dominate them. It won’t be hard. No jokes, no friends, just domination. Anger domination :D
- and, ofc, if you see a a hot girl with big boobs, remember this: she’s stupid. If she gets good grades or awards or whatevs she’s a whore cuz she can’t be that good. Stereotypes help, try them!

So, dear 14 years old me, I'm glad you now know these things.